Wednesday, December 14, 2011


This is our dog, Jackie. She lives outside (NOT allowed in the house) and she pretty much came with the house. We don't touch her much, as I'm pretty sure she has fleas. The guard feeds her and I've never seen her eat anything but goat heads and innards. I bought her a collar, and I do think she's looking pretty cute lately. We are doing our best to love her.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Random giggles

This is a restaurant!

My bed getting delivered to my new house!

Much delayed pictures

On Ethiopian New Years, my friends Michelle (below) and Henock took me to Henock's grandmother's house for the traditional family New Years celebration!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A chair

A guard's chair near my house.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

St. George Brewery

St. George is the most popular (and best) beer made in Ethiopia! I went to the brewery today....

Friday, August 26, 2011

My House!

This is where I live:

Jkjk! But someone really does live in that box on the left. His dog stays in the smaller one on the right. Both sad and innovative.

This is actually my house, my guard chillin, and the gate:

It's an IRC guest house, so there are always people coming in and out, but I am the only permanent resident. Tomorrow I will post pics of my room since the cleaning lady comes today and she'll make my bed. :)


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A picture (or two) a day!

Ok, my new goal is to post a picture (and a comment) each day.
So, my sister is getting married, so I have been keeping my eyes open for ideas for her. I thought this might be a good wedding planner for her:

THEN they changed their sign and adopted this cool Halloween theme, and I was convinced. She should probably fly out to meet with them. :P

Also, interestingly, the new refugee camp in Ethiopia is called "Halowen."

More tomorrow,